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Reading in Dutch these books will make it fun!


In every Dutch language course you hear this note: Reading is important for learning a language. This is really true, not only because it opens up a new vocabulary, but also because it introduces you to Dutch culture. But how do you find books that are fun to read? On the Netherlands website, we have now compiled this list of books for newcomers for the following reasons: You can easily access / get it. It talks about Dutch culture. Because many Dutch people know these books, you can talk to them about them later. In every Dutch language course you hear this note: Reading is important for learning a language. This is really true, not only because it opens up a new vocabulary, but also because it introduces you to Dutch culture. But how do you find books that are fun to read? On the Netherlands website, we have now compiled this list of books for newcomers for the following reasons: You can easily access / get it. It talks about Dutch culture. Because many Dutch people know these books, you can talk to them about them later.

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